"HELPS"... Mean Exactly, What's Implied...
The HELPS Ministry™ in any Church is directly responsible for the return or non-return of visitors to a Church. One of f8thHOUSE Ministry's mandates in Ministry is; A Commitment To Excellence™. Pastor Dan believes in excellence across the board, starting at the top and no doubt and including as a primary front in the House... "The Helps Ministry." Helps is not anything new to God and isn't made up by any one other than God, Himself. That's right, Helps Ministry was specifically defined in the Bible and clearly identifies (1 Cor. 12:28) the crucial importance Helps has to the body of Christ. The Ministry of Helps is a Supernatural Ministry, it's a Ministry that is just as anointed, just as valid as if God has called you to be a Prophet. God is not a respecter of persons but why do people respect some "callings" more than others... when we're all in this together? f8thHOUSE Ministries is committed to honoring all callings in the local body of Believers, especially the least respected, honored and desired.
Within all f8thHOUSE Churches, the mandate to train each and every Helps Minister and manage that governing body of Believers to carry out the expected end is crucial to Church acquisition and retention. A Church without proper training in every aspect of Helps Ministry do themselves a grave dishonor and stains the body of Christ with false representation.
First Time Visitors
I recall the story in the Bible of the Queen of Sheba (2 Chron 9:1-12) hearing the fame of Solomon's Court and wanted desperately to visit and prove that all she heard about the excellence of his magnificently constructed and most importantly... operated facility. Remember, she's a first time visitor. When she arrived, she was amazed to find all that she heard to be true. Let's take note of what the Queen notices...
1. She notices his wisdom
2. She notices the House that he built
3. She notices the type and quality of food presented
4. She notices the type of leaders sitting at the table
5. She notices the preparation, professionalism and position of the servants
6. She notices how the servants were dressed
7. She notices the people, who's job was to keep the wine coming
8. She notices the clothing of those cupbearers
9. She notices the very special attention to present to the Lord, Burnt Offerings
The Bible says that her breath was taken, she was at awe by what she "saw." First time visitors are influenced and moved by what they "see." She found the armor bearers, servants and beauty of the temple to be exactly what she heard and the attendance of all the servants were all on post and professionally trained to meet every need of all whom entered its courts. The Queen was so impressed, she left a sizable offering equivalent to one point six million dollars in today's money and return every year with equal sizable offerings. There was a lifelong relationship established just by proving what she heard to be visually correct when she arrived. What an incredibly poignant example of how a visitor thinks and is influenced when they "visit" a church.
Visitors are first moved by what they see... and second, by the service of the Helpers... and thirdly, by the compassion of the Believers. Every return is predicated upon the consistent service of the previous. Training is definitely in order to ensure a uniform, consistent pattern of execution. It is crucially important that a Church be found faultless to visitors. Every visitor is critical to the growth of the church. Visitors are inspired by God! Their initial decision to visit, in most cases, is based upon an inquisitive desire to prove the noisy reputation heard in the streets. Sometimes to prove whether the church is well or poorly managed but most times, to confirm what they heard. When disappointed, the resulting verdict is a very true indicator of displeasure by an apparent "no return stamp" by the visitor. This is the worst notice because they just don't return, nor leave comments or send messages as to why. This is why churches that get a lot of visitors never grow. Experts say, that in today's society, "within the first six minutes of a visit, most people already know whether they will return or not" and every no return verdict, adversely affects at least ten of each non-returning visitor's closest family and friends, resulting in a chain reactive indictment that creates a terrible reputation which is difficult to overcome. It sounds ironic that visitors would rather share with others, their findings without first informing the mis-represented church. Excellence always elicit growth that plants deep rooted Believers who incite visitation by the example of change, growth, success and joy in their lives, since connecting with f8thHOUSE Ministries. Word of mouth is the best form of flattery.
Training is paramount to the success and growth of any church or business. Just because Churches utilize volunteers, doesn't mean... they cannot train or incorporate standards that require certain protocol, execution and presentation. As a matter of fact most all volunteers, desire training and desperately want to understand their expectations and proper methods and etiquette of church protocol. They feel better and operate with confidence when they know what they're doing is correct. Those that return and eventually become involved in the day to day function of the church, do so fully informed and equipped with proper understanding and training requirements outlined by that church. It is always apparent to a person when proper training is administered in any business. One can always surmise the quality of leadership based upon its subordinates. This is why f8thHOUSE Ministries, Inc., The Association of f8thHOUSE Churches, The Fellowship Of Believers and all affiliates share, practice and execute proper Corporate policy, regulations, protocol and etiquette as demonstrated in all mandatory training materials and courses by all leaders and Helpers within f8thHOUSES around the Globe.
f8thHOUSE Ministries, Inc. recognizes such execution of Helps Ministers as "Customer Service" and rewards proper execution coupled with empathy, love and action by public displays of recognition and honor. One popular form of honor bestowed by f8thHOUSES, occur during our annual f8thFEST™ celebration. Where hundreds of thousands of participants merge on a central location to celebrate new Salvations, special Believer Accomplishments and Pinning Awards. There are some churches around America who try to recognize Helpers by offering; preferred parking as "Helper" of the Month. Which is an admirable start in the recognition of Helpers but there is a lot more noticeable recognition and acknowledgments deserving of "Helpers."
The Helps Ministry is essential to the growth and success of any Church environment. Vines define Helps as:
Within all f8thHOUSE Churches, the mandate to train each and every Helps Minister and manage that governing body of Believers to carry out the expected end is crucial to Church acquisition and retention. A Church without proper training in every aspect of Helps Ministry do themselves a grave dishonor and stains the body of Christ with false representation.
First Time Visitors
I recall the story in the Bible of the Queen of Sheba (2 Chron 9:1-12) hearing the fame of Solomon's Court and wanted desperately to visit and prove that all she heard about the excellence of his magnificently constructed and most importantly... operated facility. Remember, she's a first time visitor. When she arrived, she was amazed to find all that she heard to be true. Let's take note of what the Queen notices...
1. She notices his wisdom
2. She notices the House that he built
3. She notices the type and quality of food presented
4. She notices the type of leaders sitting at the table
5. She notices the preparation, professionalism and position of the servants
6. She notices how the servants were dressed
7. She notices the people, who's job was to keep the wine coming
8. She notices the clothing of those cupbearers
9. She notices the very special attention to present to the Lord, Burnt Offerings
The Bible says that her breath was taken, she was at awe by what she "saw." First time visitors are influenced and moved by what they "see." She found the armor bearers, servants and beauty of the temple to be exactly what she heard and the attendance of all the servants were all on post and professionally trained to meet every need of all whom entered its courts. The Queen was so impressed, she left a sizable offering equivalent to one point six million dollars in today's money and return every year with equal sizable offerings. There was a lifelong relationship established just by proving what she heard to be visually correct when she arrived. What an incredibly poignant example of how a visitor thinks and is influenced when they "visit" a church.
Visitors are first moved by what they see... and second, by the service of the Helpers... and thirdly, by the compassion of the Believers. Every return is predicated upon the consistent service of the previous. Training is definitely in order to ensure a uniform, consistent pattern of execution. It is crucially important that a Church be found faultless to visitors. Every visitor is critical to the growth of the church. Visitors are inspired by God! Their initial decision to visit, in most cases, is based upon an inquisitive desire to prove the noisy reputation heard in the streets. Sometimes to prove whether the church is well or poorly managed but most times, to confirm what they heard. When disappointed, the resulting verdict is a very true indicator of displeasure by an apparent "no return stamp" by the visitor. This is the worst notice because they just don't return, nor leave comments or send messages as to why. This is why churches that get a lot of visitors never grow. Experts say, that in today's society, "within the first six minutes of a visit, most people already know whether they will return or not" and every no return verdict, adversely affects at least ten of each non-returning visitor's closest family and friends, resulting in a chain reactive indictment that creates a terrible reputation which is difficult to overcome. It sounds ironic that visitors would rather share with others, their findings without first informing the mis-represented church. Excellence always elicit growth that plants deep rooted Believers who incite visitation by the example of change, growth, success and joy in their lives, since connecting with f8thHOUSE Ministries. Word of mouth is the best form of flattery.
Training is paramount to the success and growth of any church or business. Just because Churches utilize volunteers, doesn't mean... they cannot train or incorporate standards that require certain protocol, execution and presentation. As a matter of fact most all volunteers, desire training and desperately want to understand their expectations and proper methods and etiquette of church protocol. They feel better and operate with confidence when they know what they're doing is correct. Those that return and eventually become involved in the day to day function of the church, do so fully informed and equipped with proper understanding and training requirements outlined by that church. It is always apparent to a person when proper training is administered in any business. One can always surmise the quality of leadership based upon its subordinates. This is why f8thHOUSE Ministries, Inc., The Association of f8thHOUSE Churches, The Fellowship Of Believers and all affiliates share, practice and execute proper Corporate policy, regulations, protocol and etiquette as demonstrated in all mandatory training materials and courses by all leaders and Helpers within f8thHOUSES around the Globe.
f8thHOUSE Ministries, Inc. recognizes such execution of Helps Ministers as "Customer Service" and rewards proper execution coupled with empathy, love and action by public displays of recognition and honor. One popular form of honor bestowed by f8thHOUSES, occur during our annual f8thFEST™ celebration. Where hundreds of thousands of participants merge on a central location to celebrate new Salvations, special Believer Accomplishments and Pinning Awards. There are some churches around America who try to recognize Helpers by offering; preferred parking as "Helper" of the Month. Which is an admirable start in the recognition of Helpers but there is a lot more noticeable recognition and acknowledgments deserving of "Helpers."
The Helps Ministry is essential to the growth and success of any Church environment. Vines define Helps as:
One of the administrations in the local church by way of rendering assistance or
especially of Helps Ministering to the weak and needy.
~ W.E. Vines Definition
The Helps Ministry is an anointed part of Ministry which Pastor Dan honors as one of the most important administrations of the local Body Of Believers. One deliberate repetitious recognition practiced in f8thHOUSE Ministries around the Globe is the open "Honor" bestowed upon the often avoided, most influential and primary identifying markers of any Church... "Helpers." The "Helpers" in any Church are the first people visitors see and come in contact with before they ever lay eyes upon the Pastor. Visitor's first opinion of your Church is realized by your Church's first point of contact. In most cases this is the parking lot attendant. If the attendant is someone just thrown in the fire without training or preparation, they will usually do what they think is right. Remember... this is a new member and in most cases a new Believer. They have no clue how church is operated. They only know what they know before they came and when thrown in the fire, they quickly resort to that which they know, it usually has nothing to do with church. Helpers have to be trained. You'll be surprised by the value visitors place on your church. You may have a Helper that displays value worth one hundred thousand dollars or even a million dollars to your Ministry based upon how they serve. This only comes when "Helpers" are trained and prepared for service through "excellence." One of our brothers describes it like this, he starts off with excitement! It's the same excitement one has for the Apostles and Prophets in Churches. Now... You don't have a different excitement for Apostles and Prophets than you do for Nursery Workers, Ushers and Greeters... do you? I sure hope you don't. If you do, then you... my friend are a respecter of persons and have a tweak in your service to God. Listen how Brother Godbey excitedly defines the value of Helpers...
"Ooooooh... the infinite value of the humble Gospel Helpers... thousands of people
have no gifts as leaders... are; number one... "Helpers." How grand revival work mooooves along,
when? When red hot platoons of fire baptized Helpers crowd around God's
heroic leaders of the embattled host."
~ Minister Godbey,
Wow! What a definition for a dirty diaper changer... come on, what a definition for a bucket passer. We thank God for the Apostle, the Prophet and Teacher but we also thank God for Nursery Workers, Ushers and Greeters. Take a look at these powerfully anointed Servant Helpers within the body of Believers.
The Present View of Helpers, In the Mind of The Critic...
Nursery Workers - Oh... they just change diapers! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights...
Ushers - Oh... they just pass buckets! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Greeters - Oh... they just say hi when I come in! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Concierge - Oh... they just point me to the restroom! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Hospitality - Oh... they just serve the food! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Parking Lot - Oh... they just point me to open spots! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Armer Bearer - Oh... they just carry Pastor's Bible! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Grounds Keepers - Oh... they just mow the lawn! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
House Keeper (Custodian) - Oh they clean restrooms! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Security - Oh... they just stare at people! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
People want to be as... Apostles and Prophets! They wanna be seen... so they can be revered. They want, the quote-un-quote... "Glorified Job!" People just don't wanna roll up their sleeves and do any work that requires them being behind the scenes. How many of you know that people who work behind the scenes are the reason for the success of a Church, a Business or Organization. Take a look at how Broadman describes "Service"...
The Present View of Helpers, In the Mind of The Critic...
Nursery Workers - Oh... they just change diapers! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights...
Ushers - Oh... they just pass buckets! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Greeters - Oh... they just say hi when I come in! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Concierge - Oh... they just point me to the restroom! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Hospitality - Oh... they just serve the food! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Parking Lot - Oh... they just point me to open spots! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Armer Bearer - Oh... they just carry Pastor's Bible! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Grounds Keepers - Oh... they just mow the lawn! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
House Keeper (Custodian) - Oh they clean restrooms! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
Security - Oh... they just stare at people! I wanna be seen... I wanna be on stage... under the lights..
People want to be as... Apostles and Prophets! They wanna be seen... so they can be revered. They want, the quote-un-quote... "Glorified Job!" People just don't wanna roll up their sleeves and do any work that requires them being behind the scenes. How many of you know that people who work behind the scenes are the reason for the success of a Church, a Business or Organization. Take a look at how Broadman describes "Service"...
"There is no hierarchy in the gifts of God.
The Ministry of the Church does not rest on status but on Service.
God uses both... the stars and the candles to light as well.
No gift that serves others is little."
~ Broadman
Status does not move God. The only thing that moves God, is "Service." (Hebrews 6:10-11). God will not forget your work and your labor of love which you have shown towards the Body of Believers. People want to be Stars in the Body of Believers and not "candles" because Stars get more glory, recognition and honor. Stephen, a great servant to the Body... (Acts 6:8) is a perfect example of moving for God in service... "then He will overtake you and work great wonders and miracles with power through "f8th."
Listen, the Pastor can't do everything. Look at Acts 6:1-6. Please understand that there not saying they won't serve tables. They're not even saying they won't serve. They're saying, we can't do everything. So they had to look among all the people to find viable Believers who the Pastor can appoint.
Listen, the Pastor can't do everything. Look at Acts 6:1-6. Please understand that there not saying they won't serve tables. They're not even saying they won't serve. They're saying, we can't do everything. So they had to look among all the people to find viable Believers who the Pastor can appoint.
Opportunities to get involved in Ministry Service are available at f8thHOUSE. The ministries that we have available are designed to help meet the needs people experience at different stages of life.
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one
for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. Ephesians 6:7-8
If you are interested in serving in any of the ministries listed below or that are not listed, please take the first step and sign up for our next REL8TE gathering.
f8thZONE Ministry – Zone 1
The f8thZONE 1 Ministry for pre-school aged children helps develop a child’s spiritual, emotional, and academic character – all in a fun, creative, and nurturing environment. Care is provided for babies 8 weeks and up to one year of age.
Volunteers are welcome and needed to foster f8thLIKE environments... music, the Word, energy, Belief and affirmation, are hallmarks of ZONE 1. These infants are our most precious f8thKIDS and we need special volunteers to care for them as their own parents. We need mature, patient, loving, caring, parental and compassionate f8thBELIEVERS serving as if they were caring for Baby Jesus, because they are! The lives of our f8thKIDS represent the future of the world. We are looking for the best of the best Lead Teachers to supervise Sunday ministry operations and classroom set-up; Teachers to fill the atmosphere with devotion, biblical affirmation, and life plans; Keeping babies fed, diapers clean, cuddling, engaging affirming life, wellness and Greatness. Teacher Assistants to provide support to teachers by monitoring children during miraculous environmental shifts through out the morning with music, affirmation, engagement and play time; Setup Workers to prepare classrooms for Sunday ministry; and Nursery Workers to provide care and nurturing to infants within a comforting and loving Christ and f8thLIKE environment.
f8thZONE Ministry – Zone 2
At f8thZONE 2 Ministry, Kindergarten aged children (ages two to four) are developed into spiritual champions, as they experience life change in Christ through prayer, worship, bible teaching and fellowship with other children.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed in the following positions: Teachers – to teach devotion, memory verses, and lesson plans; Teacher Assistants – to provide support to teachers by monitoring children during lessons and play time and prepare snacks; Praise & Worship Leaders – to coordinate songs and assist children in leading and participating in praise and worship during Sunday ministry service; Administrative Support – to provide data entry support by tracking all children who participate in the ministry.
f8thZONE Ministry - Zone 3
At f8thZONE 3 Ministry, elementary school-aged children (ages five to nine) are developed into spiritual champions, as they experience life change in Christ through prayer, worship, bible teaching and fellowship with other children.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed in the following positions: Teachers – to teach devotion, memory verses, and lesson plans; Teacher Assistants – to provide support to teachers by monitoring children during lessons, recess and lunch; Praise & Worship Leaders – to coordinate songs and assist children in leading and participating in praise and worship during Sunday ministry service; Administrative Support – to provide data entry support by tracking all children who participate in the ministry and preparing these growing Yooth for their transitional season into Tween years.
f8thZONE Ministry - T-Zone
In the Tween Zone, our transitional group of kids (ages ten to twelve) are making the pivotal shift in their lives into their Teen ages and subsequent adulthood. This is when many shifts take place. At this stage, this unique Group of Kids understand their Spiritual Path, Purpose and Destiny.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed in the following positions: Teachers – to teach devotion, memory verses, and lesson plans; Teacher Assistants – to provide support to teachers by monitoring children during lessons, recess and lunch; Praise & Worship Leaders – to coordinate songs and assist children in leading and participating in praise and worship during Sunday ministry service; Administrative Support – to provide data entry support by tracking all children who participate in the ministry and preparing these sharp Yooth for Teen life and Middle School.
f8thYOOTH – Junior High School Ministry
The GENER8TIONS Junior High School Ministry (ages twelve to fourteen) plays an important part in developing “tweens” as they travel across the “bridge” from the nurturing safety and protection of childhood to the freedom and responsibility of young adulthood.
Volunteer opportunities include: Teacher/Small Group Leader to lead small disciple groups in discussion of the lessons; Praise & Worship Leader to coordinate songs and assist students in leading and participating in Sunday morning service; Activities Coordinator to work with the ministry directors to plan ministry outreaches and fellowship activities, act as a liaison with community organizations, attend and chaperone events.
f8thYOOTH – High School Ministry
The GENER8TIONS High School Ministry (ages fifteen to seventeen) exists to win, consolidate, disciple and send youth and young adults into all areas of life! We offer monthly events, counseling, teaching, training and healing for our community. In the stage of our Pathways to learning, we are preparing these generations to attend their choice of higher education. Our goal is to encourage, aid and walk them to and through college and University matriculation and acclimation.
Adults, young adults and youth are welcome and needed to volunteer in as Small Group Leaders, Greeters, Communication Team Members, Offering Leaders, Usher Coordinators, Snack Providers and Carpool Drivers.
Usher/Greeter Ministry
The Usher/Greeter Ministry at f8thHOUSE provides a variety of critical supportive services to ensure that each Sunday service operates smoothly and in excellence. It is the desire of the Usher/Greeter Ministry to exemplify Christ’s love through acts of service. Ushers welcome and greet visitors and members before and during Sunday services. They provide assistance during worship and altar calls, collect the offering, and serve communion on first Sundays.
Ushers/Greeters represent f8thHOUSE through their professional and courteous service to all who enter any of our many f8thHOUSE Campuses.
Concierge Ministry
The Concierge Ministry at f8thHOUSE provides a warm welcome and caring support to all visitors and members of the church. The Concierge Ministry desires to exemplify Christ’s love through acts of service. Concierges greet visitors and members, assist with directions and make sure visitors, guests and members are warmly welcomed and served before and during Sunday service. They assist ushers in many tasks to complete a well rounded atmosphere of service where ushers may get busy or distracted, they also help ushers with serving communion on first Sundays.
Concierge Ministry volunteers represent f8thHOUSE through their warm, professional and courteous service to all who enter any of our many f8thHOUSE Campuses.
Our Concierge Ministry are also specially trained and equipped to serve the immediate needs of our Invited Special Guests with warm, one-on-one pampering and service, including: Consistently Safe, Prompt and Courteous Transportation, Dry Cleaning, Shopping and errands, Schedule and close attention during services.
The Association of f8thHOUSE Churches, all have a Cafe that provides hot and cold, fresh food and beverages for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a Retail Store that provides a variety of books, teachings, music, and resources to increase one’s spiritual understanding, growth and development. The Stores sells DVDs, CDs, Clothing, Promotional and Accessories after Sunday services. Store/Cafe volunteers serve in excellence as cashiers, clerks, food servers and duplicators. They also assist special guest speakers with selling their books and/or teaching materials.
Only our Parent Facility, f8thHOUSE Ministries, Los Angeles, has a Mall of Shops, Restaurants, College and Dorms on the Campus. There's over three-hundred acres of beautiful Campus to explore and get involved with.
Parking Lot Ministry
The Parking Lot Ministry is responsible for ensuring that visitors and members successfully locate parking on the f8thHOUSE Campus parking lot, and safely cross the street when arriving to the House Campus from street parking. They also monitor local neighborhoods to ensure that cars are parked correctly, and monitor vehicles to prevent theft and/or other loss. Members of the Parking Lot Ministry have the very important task of serving as the first point of contact with f8thHOUSE guests and members.
Personal Ministry
The Personal Ministry team ministers to those who respond to the altar invitation, providing one-on-one support and guidance to those who desire to change their lives for God’s purpose.
f8th Patrol Ministry
The f8thPATROL Ministry Team ministers to the specific security needs of the House. f8thPATROL guarantees the security of Service. Highly trained Professionals discreetly blend throughout the congregation and Campus to ensure an undisturbed move of the Spirit while carrying out highly detailed duties that include all manners of safety concerns experienced around the world.
All f8thPATROL candidates must currently serve in a public security capacity or have Pryor duty as a retire public servant Officer (i.e.: State, City, County or Government Law Enforcement Officer, Military Special Ops, Government Intelligence).
All f8thPATROL are expected to participate in our meticulous training program that includes supplemental skills like: martial arts, special weapons orientation, escalation and de-esculation, body linguistics (suggestive body movements and expressions) and most importantly, our unique approach to community culture, race relations, crowd control and educational f8thRANGER Programs geared to today's Youth with tomorrow's Public Service ambitions.
f8thPATROL Ministry is also assigned to all invited Special Guests throughout their f8thHOUSE visit and stay.
Yes, The EXPERIENCE is considered a Ministry of Helps. There are countless loyal Believers who commit their time, skills, service and anointing to the "life changing" EXPERIENCE many encounter on their journey to FLIP their current conditions to that of one more suitable and conducive to their God given Purpose and Destiny to GREATNESS. This Great three day Get-Away Conference requires a Team of professionally trained Helpers to pull off successfully.
These volunteer Believers also lead the prayer Groups assigned to cover each and every class of participants with daily prayer prior to and during their three day Get-Away EXPERIENCE.
There are also trained Coaches who lead a mandatory six week Pre-EXPERIENCE Class, designed to prepare and empower participants with critical knowledge and tools that soften hearts and minds to transform into Spiritual Sponges capable of absorbing powerfully Divine cleansing agents, supernaturally dispensed by God to individually and directly impact every participant with a renewed constitution. When participants complete the Pre-EXPERIENCE Classes, their Spirits are sooooo sensitive to the voice and move of God that many began to EXPERIENCE healing, deliverance, restoration, forgiveness and freedom right in the classroom, before they even arrive to The EXPERIENCE Conference.
The whole EXPERIENCE is a huge ordeal, because it involves the miraculous transformation of lives and begins a journey of New Beginnings that drives the machine that materializes Unbelievable Possibilities, once imagined... now EXPERIENCED!