Harmonic Sounds of Greatness
In the midst of creation, God breathed into the nostrils of mankind. From inception... God ignited the Motor of PR8ISE to drive humanity towards reverencing God throughout personal scenarios that inspire Innate PR8ISE within others. Rather than view the creation of mankind as another act of creation, acknowledge the formation of a perfect instrument of PR8ISE™ that whistles with every breath... Harmonic PR8ISE™. The Infinite Formation of PR8ISE, thats what Creation is! It's just not a form of service in the sanctuary of Church... PR8ISE™ is the Life Force that eternally connects humanity to God. It is One's Spiritual Umbilical Cord that nourishes the deepest parts of mankind to withstand the wiles of the wicked one during the Issues Of Life.
The premise of humanity was to create a perfect instrument of PR8ISE™. God formed mankind from the earth and breathe life into His perfect creation... expecting Perpetual PR8ISE™. From the ground, planted He... vessels springing forth life that PR8ISES HIM through every aspect of that life. We are to breathe, move and have our being through a constant flow of PR8ISE™, perpetuated by the original breath that activated the Purpose of that vessel to its appointed end on earth, whereby translation into Infinite PR8ISE™ occurs.
Perpetual PR8ISE™ invites the supernatural. It exposes Greatness that expresses the reality of impossible possibilities. PR8ISE™ is contagious and breeds confidence, knowing that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. PR8ISE brings clarity and allows you to identify Who's you are as you experience your Path, Destiny, Purpose and Greatness. The breath you breathe is intended to facilitate PR8ISE™. Breathing is one of the most natural examples of God's original Purpose and |
intent for PR8ISE™. Like breathing... goes PR8ISE™. PR8ISE is grateful homage that enthusiastically admires God constantly. Humanity was built to PR8ISE™ God... PR8ISE™ is what we do. We live to PR8ISE™ Him, all the days of our lives and The Creation of Mankind was one of the most fundamental expressions of God's Perfected PR8ISE™.
Even when God created the angel of PR8ISE™, "Lucifer"... He had created one of the most perfect instruments of PR8ISE™ ever. His body adorned with instruments and his daily Purpose was to set the atmosphere with a harmonious Spirit and anointing of Praise. The heavens PR8ISE™ God, the earth and all upon the earth through its very existence, PR8ISE™ God! The breath we breathe... constantly PR8ISING our Creator.. "El Shaddai."
Even when God created the angel of PR8ISE™, "Lucifer"... He had created one of the most perfect instruments of PR8ISE™ ever. His body adorned with instruments and his daily Purpose was to set the atmosphere with a harmonious Spirit and anointing of Praise. The heavens PR8ISE™ God, the earth and all upon the earth through its very existence, PR8ISE™ God! The breath we breathe... constantly PR8ISING our Creator.. "El Shaddai."
"Life is a metamorphous act of change into one's eternally Divine translation of PR8ISE."
The incredibly harmonic sounds coming from our aggregate PR8ISE™ Team Believers throughout the Association, continually generate an inspirational f8thUNCTION™ from Believers that inspire the natural will to PR8ISE™ where ever tunes present itself.
Like all of our other ministries in the House. Joining our PR8ISE™ Team has some requirements.
• Must be a member of f8thHOUSE Ministries
• Must have completed new member's class
• Must complete f8thWORSHIP™ Orientation
• Must have time to commit to rehearsals
• Must submit and complete vocal training if you have zeal but no chops
• Must fellowship with PR8ISE™ Believers
• Must be found f8thFUL™ to God, Study and a Believer's lifestyle
• Must attend all mandatory Meetings
Of course f8thHOUSE Ministries honor the call of God on people's lives but we also subscribe to decency and order as well. f8thHOUSE Ministries was called by God to meet the needs of people with a "(418)™" Purpose to Ministry. Our goal is to awaken recessed, un-tapped and sometimes un-discovered potential that resides within every living human as we point them and sometimes hold their hand in leading them to Greatness. f8thHOUSE Ministries will walk a lifetime with our Members to help them understand, strive, execute and live a Purpose driven life through "f8th" towards Destiny and Greatness.
To that end, we are very conscious and involved with the call of our PR8ISE™ Team and their walk with God. PR8ISE™ Members are unique individuals and practice a lifestyle of "f8th" through and in the Word of God. PR8ISE™ Believers are committed to meeting the needs of people on and off f8thHOUSE™ Campuses around the world. When Believers and visitors come to any service on or off Campus that requires our PR8ISE™ Team's presence and participation, it is prudent that the PR8ISE™ Team is able to usher in an atmosphere of PR8ISE™ and this always includes a level of individual maturity from its members that equips the f8thPRAISE Believer to be critiqued, molded and taught the tenets of f8th and PR8ISE™.
PR8ISE™ Believers practice f8thISM™... they don't talk f8th, they live f8th™. PR8ISE™ Team Believers avoid unseemly life practices and associations and are aware of the mantel and office as a Believer that is required of any Leader in the House. Yes, PR8ISE™ Believers are considered Leaders in f8thHOUSE Ministries and their is a Leadership Protocol that all Leaders in the House must adhere. Becoming a Leader in anything requires sacrifice, resolve, passion and expertise. Leadership is not a play thing and should never be entered into lightly.
All Leadership in f8thHOUSE Ministries must have a healthy prayer life, fast, be filled with and sensitive to the Holy Spirit and last but certainly not least, they must tithe f8thFULLY as outlined and mandated by scripture. A Leader must present themselves a living sacrifice, Holy and acceptable which is the will of God. They must not be conformed to worldly trends but able to come out from among them as they represent God as Believers of His Word through f8th™ and be separate.
PR8ISE™ Believers are highly acclaimed artist with an impeccable reputation. This doesn't come by just standing around twiddling their thumbs. This type of reputation comes from dedication, hard work, integrity, character and a resounding anointment from God to walk in that call. People recognize and celebrate before others that presence but in reality, the call and subsequent service is whole heartedly presented to God first and as a result the people are then ushered into that environment by the Holy Spirit. This atmosphere fills f8thHOUSES around the world as PR8ISE™ Believers stand with one voice, one purpose, one call to the edification of Believers.
There is a calm acknowledgement of dunamis power that PR8ISE™ Believers present where ever their feet lands. The power that envelops f8thPRAISE Believers have lead and leads to healing, salvation, restoration, deliverance, miracles and signs following. Yes, people want to be a part of The PR8ISE™ Team of Believers and rightfully so. For this cause there is understandably, a waiting list. Our PR8ISE™ Team is never to exceed eight presenters. There are always twelve Members that participate in every requirement of membership behind the scenes but when ever you see the PR8ISE™ Team before the congregation, there is always eight and the alternate Members are always required to be present and prepared, to ensure that number. All Members of PR8ISE™ must adhere to the rotating schedule and no member is ever to miss any PR8ISE™ Moments.
There is a standard and expectation of excellence that follow all Leadership in f8thHOUSE Ministries and PR8ISE™ is not exempt. People always see the final presentation of excellence but are not always privy to the behind the scenes, effort, sacrifice and work required to present such excellence. Across the board, we find ourselves constantly rewarding and acknowledging such sacrifice. Our much anticipated and coveted f8thFEST is perhaps the most recognized celebratory recognition but there are others throughout the year by auxiliary Leaders to their Teams. We recognize effort, commitment, loyalty, sacrifice and passion and that recognition is presented often. This is our Founder's heart and his Spirit of service and honor resonates throughout this World Changing Ministry.
So we are honored to present to you, with all that takes place behind the scenes... our glorious, "PR8ISE™ Team."
Like all of our other ministries in the House. Joining our PR8ISE™ Team has some requirements.
• Must be a member of f8thHOUSE Ministries
• Must have completed new member's class
• Must complete f8thWORSHIP™ Orientation
• Must have time to commit to rehearsals
• Must submit and complete vocal training if you have zeal but no chops
• Must fellowship with PR8ISE™ Believers
• Must be found f8thFUL™ to God, Study and a Believer's lifestyle
• Must attend all mandatory Meetings
Of course f8thHOUSE Ministries honor the call of God on people's lives but we also subscribe to decency and order as well. f8thHOUSE Ministries was called by God to meet the needs of people with a "(418)™" Purpose to Ministry. Our goal is to awaken recessed, un-tapped and sometimes un-discovered potential that resides within every living human as we point them and sometimes hold their hand in leading them to Greatness. f8thHOUSE Ministries will walk a lifetime with our Members to help them understand, strive, execute and live a Purpose driven life through "f8th" towards Destiny and Greatness.
To that end, we are very conscious and involved with the call of our PR8ISE™ Team and their walk with God. PR8ISE™ Members are unique individuals and practice a lifestyle of "f8th" through and in the Word of God. PR8ISE™ Believers are committed to meeting the needs of people on and off f8thHOUSE™ Campuses around the world. When Believers and visitors come to any service on or off Campus that requires our PR8ISE™ Team's presence and participation, it is prudent that the PR8ISE™ Team is able to usher in an atmosphere of PR8ISE™ and this always includes a level of individual maturity from its members that equips the f8thPRAISE Believer to be critiqued, molded and taught the tenets of f8th and PR8ISE™.
PR8ISE™ Believers practice f8thISM™... they don't talk f8th, they live f8th™. PR8ISE™ Team Believers avoid unseemly life practices and associations and are aware of the mantel and office as a Believer that is required of any Leader in the House. Yes, PR8ISE™ Believers are considered Leaders in f8thHOUSE Ministries and their is a Leadership Protocol that all Leaders in the House must adhere. Becoming a Leader in anything requires sacrifice, resolve, passion and expertise. Leadership is not a play thing and should never be entered into lightly.
All Leadership in f8thHOUSE Ministries must have a healthy prayer life, fast, be filled with and sensitive to the Holy Spirit and last but certainly not least, they must tithe f8thFULLY as outlined and mandated by scripture. A Leader must present themselves a living sacrifice, Holy and acceptable which is the will of God. They must not be conformed to worldly trends but able to come out from among them as they represent God as Believers of His Word through f8th™ and be separate.
PR8ISE™ Believers are highly acclaimed artist with an impeccable reputation. This doesn't come by just standing around twiddling their thumbs. This type of reputation comes from dedication, hard work, integrity, character and a resounding anointment from God to walk in that call. People recognize and celebrate before others that presence but in reality, the call and subsequent service is whole heartedly presented to God first and as a result the people are then ushered into that environment by the Holy Spirit. This atmosphere fills f8thHOUSES around the world as PR8ISE™ Believers stand with one voice, one purpose, one call to the edification of Believers.
There is a calm acknowledgement of dunamis power that PR8ISE™ Believers present where ever their feet lands. The power that envelops f8thPRAISE Believers have lead and leads to healing, salvation, restoration, deliverance, miracles and signs following. Yes, people want to be a part of The PR8ISE™ Team of Believers and rightfully so. For this cause there is understandably, a waiting list. Our PR8ISE™ Team is never to exceed eight presenters. There are always twelve Members that participate in every requirement of membership behind the scenes but when ever you see the PR8ISE™ Team before the congregation, there is always eight and the alternate Members are always required to be present and prepared, to ensure that number. All Members of PR8ISE™ must adhere to the rotating schedule and no member is ever to miss any PR8ISE™ Moments.
There is a standard and expectation of excellence that follow all Leadership in f8thHOUSE Ministries and PR8ISE™ is not exempt. People always see the final presentation of excellence but are not always privy to the behind the scenes, effort, sacrifice and work required to present such excellence. Across the board, we find ourselves constantly rewarding and acknowledging such sacrifice. Our much anticipated and coveted f8thFEST is perhaps the most recognized celebratory recognition but there are others throughout the year by auxiliary Leaders to their Teams. We recognize effort, commitment, loyalty, sacrifice and passion and that recognition is presented often. This is our Founder's heart and his Spirit of service and honor resonates throughout this World Changing Ministry.
So we are honored to present to you, with all that takes place behind the scenes... our glorious, "PR8ISE™ Team."