Don't wait until the last minute...
"RES8T™" is a supernatural comprehensive restorative course of action designed to re-direct Believers who have gotten off course, back to their rightful Path that leads to Destiny, Purpose and Greatness. There are times in one's life when they come to a cross road and find themselves begging the question, "where am I with you God?" This is not uncommon and as a matter of fact, highly commendable. Imagine if you would... Jesus coming back for His Church and when you go before the Father, he tells you to get away from Him, because He never knew you. All these years spent on earth thinking you were going to heaven and at the last hour, when it's to late for adjustments, you find yourself going straight to hell because God never knew you. "RES8T™" is an in time, immersive f8thTOOL that Believers can take advantage of to confirm their place with God.
In the Body of Christ, Believers may often find themselves identifying this status as "backsliding" and because God is married to the backslider, they embrace the premise that God will forgive their repetitive practice of sin. This could not be further from the truth. God abhors sin and forbids one to continue in sin so that Grace may abound. The Believer's addictive behavior is a characteristic that identifies their place in or outside of the Kingdom. The reference of a backslider found in the Bible, is one of an individual who has made a mistake and needs forgiveness as they repent and turn from that error, to become a better person. Backsliders are not habit toting Believers of sin. Those are "addicts"... they have gotten accustom to a sinful lifestyle and the longer one stays connected to that practice and behavior, the further they are from God, Salvation and Heaven.
So in essence, RES8T™ is the final fixing place for Believers. This is where Believers get it right before they are finish with their mission on earth. It is definitely solace knowing exactly where and Who's you are. It is a last ditch effort to dig deep and get a clear understanding of your Spiritual stand with God. RES8T™ is an opportunity for participants to renew the right Spirit within them and set themselves upon a Rock that is the Cornerstone repelling the forces of evil and hell. It is a deliberate stand moving all participants in a direction that leads straight to the Kingdom of Heaven. Your "RES8T™" is a rebirth of Spiritual commitment, loyalty and service. Once a person completes RES8T™, they are then directed to a f8thGROUP, where they are able to meet, question, learn and grow in the Word of God and f8th. Why wait until the Battle's over? It's too late Beloved! Speak Up now Beloved to redeem yourself from hell.
Not only is RES8T a valuable resource for Believers who want more out of life but it is also part of our f8thFOUNDATION Pathways to Greatness. These Pathways are various segments, classes, programs, and courses that Believers can sign up for and take on a regular basis. Believers actually find themselves motivated to get involved in the behind the scenes work of the Ministry because they have a broader understanding of their Church, Pastor, Leadership, Vision, Mission and the Purpose of f8thHOUSE Ministries after RES8Tting. They feel the inclusive mandate of f8thHOUSE Ministries unlike any ministry they've ever encountered. RES8T™ actually does just what it says... It resets an individual to their rightful place in God and does so with clarity, understanding and simplicity. It is no surprise why Believers who have a great understanding of the Word and f8th... anxiously sign up for this comprehensive study course that changes lives.
One of the mis-conceptions many Believers encounter as they journey through life, is the interpretation society sells as "addiction." It's very simple my friend...
addiction is:
Enslavement to a habit, practice or behavior to the extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
Others can usually recognize it's effects by the choices, appearance and behavior of addicts, they can't hide it. Their presence is very apparent to any discerning Believer. These crying souls abandon their core values and birthright to pursue the immediate momentary satisfaction of the attraction which comes from a strong un-natural lure, strategically influenced by the devil to kill, steal and destroy humanity. Addicts are any individual who practice sin day in and day out, sometimes for years and sometimes never delivered... moving from earth to hell. This un-natural practice and/or behavior always contradict one's Divine Purpose and blinds them from seeing or doing what's right.
Salvation is a lifestyle of righteousness, point blank! A tree is known by the fruit it bears. God cannot look upon or partake in any parts of sin. When Jesus went to the cross and took on the sin of the world, He and God was then separated. God was not with Jesus, the second Person of the Trinity went to the pits of hell with out the Father. Remember, the Holy Spirit had not yet come. Listen Believers, sin is sin and the works of your father will you do. The whole indictment against the church when bad things happen to good people or asking the question, can a person lose salvation? Is a trick of the enemy to distract Believers just long enough to snare them by doubt, fear and ignorance. The fact is... that there are many called but few are chosen. In the day of judgement God will dismiss countless beings who thought they were saved because of the many things they did in His name, when in fact He never knew them. God will then tell millions, point blank to, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY, CAUSE I'VE NEVER KNOWN YOU!" So, in as much as many may not want to hear this, guess what...? Addicts were never saved in the first place.
This is the mandate of RES8T™... RES8T™ is perhaps the best opportunity for Believers to prepare themselves for eternity while on this side of Glory. Believers are so excited about this amazing opportunity and the simple and comprehensive fundamentally sound, biblically inspired Pathways to Greatness.
Discover a few f8thHOUSE Pathways available to Believers:
• f8thUP • f8thBUILDER • f8thGUARD • f8thINSTITUTE
RES8T™ is the acknowledgement of a perpetual lifestyle that requires discipline, resolve, patience, forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, change, humility, sacrifice, charity, love and a tough skin. Participants come to understand the true essence of life and what it means to live and how that connects with God. God is life and those that come to Him, must acknowledge that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Acknowledging Romans 10:9 & 10 FLIPS a person's life to Real Life. Jesus reminds us that He has come so that we may have Life and that, more abundantly. This is only EXPERIENCED through the transformation one has when they are born again. Born again means, "Born Again!" Your life and lifestyle isn't what it used to be and your desires aren't the same. You don't seek after the sinful nature that so easily attracted you before. Old things are done away with and now look at you... you are a new creation!
In the Body of Christ, Believers may often find themselves identifying this status as "backsliding" and because God is married to the backslider, they embrace the premise that God will forgive their repetitive practice of sin. This could not be further from the truth. God abhors sin and forbids one to continue in sin so that Grace may abound. The Believer's addictive behavior is a characteristic that identifies their place in or outside of the Kingdom. The reference of a backslider found in the Bible, is one of an individual who has made a mistake and needs forgiveness as they repent and turn from that error, to become a better person. Backsliders are not habit toting Believers of sin. Those are "addicts"... they have gotten accustom to a sinful lifestyle and the longer one stays connected to that practice and behavior, the further they are from God, Salvation and Heaven.
So in essence, RES8T™ is the final fixing place for Believers. This is where Believers get it right before they are finish with their mission on earth. It is definitely solace knowing exactly where and Who's you are. It is a last ditch effort to dig deep and get a clear understanding of your Spiritual stand with God. RES8T™ is an opportunity for participants to renew the right Spirit within them and set themselves upon a Rock that is the Cornerstone repelling the forces of evil and hell. It is a deliberate stand moving all participants in a direction that leads straight to the Kingdom of Heaven. Your "RES8T™" is a rebirth of Spiritual commitment, loyalty and service. Once a person completes RES8T™, they are then directed to a f8thGROUP, where they are able to meet, question, learn and grow in the Word of God and f8th. Why wait until the Battle's over? It's too late Beloved! Speak Up now Beloved to redeem yourself from hell.
Not only is RES8T a valuable resource for Believers who want more out of life but it is also part of our f8thFOUNDATION Pathways to Greatness. These Pathways are various segments, classes, programs, and courses that Believers can sign up for and take on a regular basis. Believers actually find themselves motivated to get involved in the behind the scenes work of the Ministry because they have a broader understanding of their Church, Pastor, Leadership, Vision, Mission and the Purpose of f8thHOUSE Ministries after RES8Tting. They feel the inclusive mandate of f8thHOUSE Ministries unlike any ministry they've ever encountered. RES8T™ actually does just what it says... It resets an individual to their rightful place in God and does so with clarity, understanding and simplicity. It is no surprise why Believers who have a great understanding of the Word and f8th... anxiously sign up for this comprehensive study course that changes lives.
One of the mis-conceptions many Believers encounter as they journey through life, is the interpretation society sells as "addiction." It's very simple my friend...
addiction is:
Enslavement to a habit, practice or behavior to the extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
Others can usually recognize it's effects by the choices, appearance and behavior of addicts, they can't hide it. Their presence is very apparent to any discerning Believer. These crying souls abandon their core values and birthright to pursue the immediate momentary satisfaction of the attraction which comes from a strong un-natural lure, strategically influenced by the devil to kill, steal and destroy humanity. Addicts are any individual who practice sin day in and day out, sometimes for years and sometimes never delivered... moving from earth to hell. This un-natural practice and/or behavior always contradict one's Divine Purpose and blinds them from seeing or doing what's right.
Salvation is a lifestyle of righteousness, point blank! A tree is known by the fruit it bears. God cannot look upon or partake in any parts of sin. When Jesus went to the cross and took on the sin of the world, He and God was then separated. God was not with Jesus, the second Person of the Trinity went to the pits of hell with out the Father. Remember, the Holy Spirit had not yet come. Listen Believers, sin is sin and the works of your father will you do. The whole indictment against the church when bad things happen to good people or asking the question, can a person lose salvation? Is a trick of the enemy to distract Believers just long enough to snare them by doubt, fear and ignorance. The fact is... that there are many called but few are chosen. In the day of judgement God will dismiss countless beings who thought they were saved because of the many things they did in His name, when in fact He never knew them. God will then tell millions, point blank to, "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY, CAUSE I'VE NEVER KNOWN YOU!" So, in as much as many may not want to hear this, guess what...? Addicts were never saved in the first place.
This is the mandate of RES8T™... RES8T™ is perhaps the best opportunity for Believers to prepare themselves for eternity while on this side of Glory. Believers are so excited about this amazing opportunity and the simple and comprehensive fundamentally sound, biblically inspired Pathways to Greatness.
Discover a few f8thHOUSE Pathways available to Believers:
• f8thUP • f8thBUILDER • f8thGUARD • f8thINSTITUTE
RES8T™ is the acknowledgement of a perpetual lifestyle that requires discipline, resolve, patience, forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, change, humility, sacrifice, charity, love and a tough skin. Participants come to understand the true essence of life and what it means to live and how that connects with God. God is life and those that come to Him, must acknowledge that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Acknowledging Romans 10:9 & 10 FLIPS a person's life to Real Life. Jesus reminds us that He has come so that we may have Life and that, more abundantly. This is only EXPERIENCED through the transformation one has when they are born again. Born again means, "Born Again!" Your life and lifestyle isn't what it used to be and your desires aren't the same. You don't seek after the sinful nature that so easily attracted you before. Old things are done away with and now look at you... you are a new creation!